1.Hooked up for chemo | 2 masked for radiation |
It has been a while since I updated my blog and a lot has happened since then. A lot of progress:) God is good. Since my diagnosis I have completed radiation for my eye and my sight is slowly returning-THANK YOU JESUS! Its not complete yet but I am trusting that God will do a miracle! That's a shot of me in my mask for radiation to my eye.The radiation is to shrink the tumor that was in my right eye. So I am glad that we are heading in the right direction.
I also started chemo for breast cancer- did Herceptin for 2 cycles. It was not too bad. Breezed through it like a pro..LOL! They tried my port which was not used for 3 years and I was praying for a miracle on that because a port is supposed to be flushed every 3 months. Mine was not used for 3 years. The nurse did a flush and a I got a good blood return- whew!! Thank you Jesus! When they put the saline in I got that familiar salty taste in the back of my throat- eeww!! No major side effects with Herceptin- just tiredness which came from the radiation and continued on-and on....
Currently doing chemo for sarcoma. Taxotere and I forgot the other one:) chemobrain is what I am getting:) I am going to Stanford Hospital and I have some of the best doctors looking after me- so that is half the battle. They discovered the spindle cell sarcoma in the beginning of October and they are working on it- thus the chemo- the side effects are rough but you gotta what you gotta do. I am trusting God for my miracle!!! For breast cancer I knew what to expect- pretty straight forward on my treatment- surgery, chemo and radiation. For the sarcoma the approach is a little different- we have started chemo, no radiation- THANK YOU JESUS!! and then surgery- I will post up the update after my consultation this Tuesday.