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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Oh my Oh my! Gotta Shake this devil off!

Wow! I am thankful that I am in the truth- tell me why I feel that the devil is trying to steal my wind! No way devil- gotta shake this devil off!! So here is the situation- I have my eye (excuse the pun)on this family to start coming to church- someone is in the middle of this...and this someone in the middle is someone I respect and I have also been praying for a revelation for them. I think what was news to me that a huge huge church in San Jose is actually a non-denominational church- this person in the middle that I always thought stood for what they believe in goes to this huge huge church- this is a big compromise!

I was just sharing to my husband that I was thankful for Bro Al and Sis Filo. When I first started coming to church I brought my own views but never once did they shoot down anything we said- they let us grow on our own and figure out what is right and what is not. Looking back now- at the time when we were very new christians I don't think that we would have taken it well- the shooting down of our former beliefs-lol! That is wisdom from above:) Being the third person in a two person conversation I am biting my tongue. It is a very hard thing to do when I am sold out in the truth. Prayer changes things! Working on my list- help me Jesus.


  1. That is so awesome and so true about how much better it is when God shows us where to grow. It's so awesome when God turns on the light in our heads about something new God is talking to us about. Let's see what God does for that family! We are praying for you.

  2. Thank you Bro James! We greatly appreciate your prayers! God bless.
